A Slow and Simple January

We have enjoyed a slow and simple January in our home, and it has been absolutely perfect.

Not that our home life is “perfect,” but it is pretty wonderful. I’m determined to make my home a sanctuary from the outside world. I want to combat the noise with the good and the lovely.

January is such a good time to slow down. Days are short, and so much of the outdoor plant life has gone to sleep. It is a time to reflect, and enjoy this time of solace before spring arrives.

You can even find me in my pajamas on some days, which is usually a no-no for me. But I’ve decided to give myself some grace since the world news has been upsetting.

Funny story. I went to check the mail in my pajamas one afternoon, not realizing that my husband would be arriving home earlier than usual that day. When I heard a vehicle approaching, I quickly hid behind a tree…I didn’t want anyone to see me in my pajamas! It turned out to be my husband, and he was quite surprised when I jumped out at him from behind the tree, ha!

We’ve been baking all types of bread, and I ordered a new plant-based meal cook book. The process of baking bread takes time, and it definitely clears my mind. I also have ordered an abundance of seeds from Baker Creek and Totally Tomato. I’m waiting on about 300 onion starts to arrive from Dixondale Farms. Gardening is not only therapeutic to me, but ordering seeds is, too. Such hope is found when starting seeds. I’ve truly enjoyed curling up on my bed and browsing through virtual seed catalogs this month.

Speaking of seeds, last week I shared how to start seeds indoors if you would like to check it out.

We are enjoying working on things outdoors, when we find the time. But for the most part you can find us indoors, working on a handicraft or reading a book.

Speaking of reading, even our homeschool has seemed to slow down this month. There has been lots of books and quiet conversation. Now, this isn’t always the case. There usually can be some excitement found in a large family!

Now is a good time to simplify your systems before spring arrives. I’ve been reevaluating our schedules, and thinking of ways to streamline our activities.

I hope you are encouraged to enjoy your home this month. May your winter be warm, slow, and simple.

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