Simple Living Newsletter #8

Happy Friday, friends! I hope you have had a lovely week with your families. We have been getting some work done around our house, and continuing on with our homeschool schedule.

I can hardly believe that we are half way through with February. Despite the cold, it has been a really nice month. The promise of spring lies ahead, which is so exciting.

I hope you enjoy the newsletter this week. You are so important to me, and I really appreciate you!

Thankful for February

February can be an interesting month for me. I really want to remain thankful for all that I have. At the same time, March is calling my name! I’m looking forward to warmer weather, and all the good things that come along with it.

But there is a reason for this time of year. I must remember that! It is good for creation to continue to have this time of rest for a while longer, while I might think it is time for it to wake up. I am the one who is wrong, to be sure.

February is a good time for us to continue to enjoy our winter’s rest, before things really start to speed up next month. It’s a great time to sleep a little bit longer, and enjoy our free time. I do like having extra time to spend with my family. While gardening is so much fun to me, enjoying indoor time with my children is, too. It is definitely something to cherish!

If you celebrate Valentine’s Day, February is a good time to devote some extra time to the ones you love. My children love this time of year! They have so much fun making small gifts or notes for everyone they love. 

I do like spending a bit of time near the end of the season to prepare for the next one. February is a lovely time to prepare for spring, while still enjoying the restfulness of winter! I usually start some seeds, and take stock of my garden supplies. It is a good time to purchase the things we might need.

On a slightly different note, I’ve decided that this is the year that I concentrate on adding some extra beauty to my home. Near the end of the season, I peruse Etsy to find a couple of inexpensive items to add to my decor. It is so nice to support home-based businesses, and I’ve encountered some very lovely people while making purchases! I also like to visit thrift stores and antique shops to see if I can find a couple of new details for my home that way. The thrill of the hunt can be really enjoyable! At the same time, I know I must be careful to avoid clutter. I want to make sure everything in my home is either needful or beautiful.

Changing Your Mindset to Keep New Habits

How are your new habits from the New Year going, friends? If you made any resolutions, have you continued with them? I didn’t make any “resolutions” per say, but I did make some goals when it came to my life and home.

I am slowly reading through a book called Atomic Habits by James Clear, and I wanted to share an interesting thought with you all. He talks about the difference between outcome-based habits and identity-based habits near the beginning.

I think that when we try to change our habits, we usually look at them as outcome-based instead of identity based. When we do this, we are less likely to succeed with our goals. Let me explain.

If we focus on what we want to achieve, we have made an outcome-based habit. Whether it be losing weight, stopping a negative habit, or something we want to accomplish in our home, we likely have all made outcome-based habits at some point.

In contrast, identity-based habits are based on who we want to become, instead of what we wish to achieve. 

“Behavior that is incongruent with the self will not last. You may want more money, but if your identity is someone who consumes rather than creates, then you’ll continue to be pulled toward spending rather than earning. You may want better health, but if you continue to prioritize comfort over accomplishment, you’ll be drawn to relaxing rather than training. It’s hard to change your habits if you never change the underlying beliefs that led to your past behavior. You have a new goal and a new plan, but you haven’t changed who you are…The ultimate form of intrinsic motivation is when a habit becomes part of your identity. It’s one thing to say I’m the type of person who wants this. It’s something very different to say I’m the type of person who is this.”

-Atomic Habits, pp. 32-33

I believe taking this advice to heart can be life changing.

Homestead Happenings

This week we have focused on some outside work on our homestead. Our new storage building/shed is almost completed as I write since my older children chipped in to help stain it. Hooray!

While they were working, I took my little guys outside to play. Moses was all about moving from activity to activity as quickly as possibly. Play house, swing, trampoline, scooter. In that order, over and over again! He is quite the handful at times, but I wouldn’t trade him for the world. 

My husband built the doors for the building this weekend in between staining. I was so happy with the result! He used tongue-and-groove paneling for the majority of the doors, and then trimmed the edges and middle. When closed, the doors look like they have an “X” design. I love it!

The stain turned out darker than I had hoped, since the wood really soaked it up. It turns out that I really like it, though. Now I’m thinking about staining the goat barn and my garden fence the same. Wouldn’t it look nice if everything matched?

Now we have just a few finishing touches to work on. Before we know it, we will be loading animal food and tools inside of it!

My husband purchased several pieces of flagstone to put near my garden gate yesterday. The area stays quite mushy, especially during the winter. I think laying stone will remedy this problem. He purchased the same stone we used at our old cabin, so this made my heart so happy.

Next week, we hope to expand our goat barn since we are hoping for babies this spring!

Resources for Homemakers

Weekly Cleaning Schedule

Establishing a Morning Routine

The Color Coded Family

How to Make Do – Old Fashioned Frugal Living Tips

Simple Living Newsletter #7

Faithful in the Little Things

Each day, I work through a lot of small tasks. Little things. I try to list as much as I can out in my planner, and sometimes it feels both over and under-whelming at the same time.

Today, I cleaned a cast iron pan, wiped clean the stovetop, and prepped breakfast. My family and I worked through about fifty small tasks in our homeschool. I watered plants, picked up toys, put away headbands, and a lot more.

I must remember that all of the individual things I do each day benefits my family. While each task may seem small, they add up to create a beautiful and meaningful life.

We can be faithful in the little. In the small things, and in the mundane.

Today, I am doing my best to remember that every little thing I do matters, and one day, it will hopefully add up to a life well lived. 

Please take heart today, friends! Your work in the home matters.

Mother Teresa said, “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.

If we choose to not be faithful in the tasks set before us each day, then our strength will weaken. We don’t want that, do we? Instead, let’s focus on each task, one by one, and complete them to the best of our ability.

Creating a Memory Box

Friends, sometimes I am simply overwhelmed by the amount of colored pictures, trinkets, and treasures that my children give me! Oh, how I love their thoughtfulness. Don’t get me wrong. But I also do value an orderly home. Not picture perfect, but orderly. As a matter of fact, I will be working on establishing new systems in our home very soon.

Anyhow, back to the treasures. I’ve been looking for a simple way to keep track of the things that have been given to me, and I’ve decided that putting a memory box together is the best option.

Memory boxes can be made for just about anything. You can use them to store photographs or newspaper clippings. They can hold baby hospital bracelets, or those precious newborn items that you would like to keep forever.

They can be any size! A larger memory box might be stored underneath your bed, and a smaller one tucked safely into a cabinet.

I’ve enjoyed using memory boxes throughout the years because they have been helpful during our moves. We moved multiple times from 2017-2020, and memory boxes were very easy to pack up.

When creating a box, it’s important to choose the most valuable things in your pile first. We want to make sure those items fit, don’t we? Then, we can add other items as space allows. If something doesn’t fit, then taking a picture of the treasure and tucking that inside is a good option.

Creating a memory box is a fun afternoon activity for your family to enjoy. My children were excited to know that their gifts meant so much to me, and I will enjoy looking through it as they grow older in the coming years.

Responding to Our Families in Love

This morning, I have pondered for a while about the responses I’ve had towards my family lately. While I always try to have a loving response to my family, sometimes I don’t.

My husband and I have been discussing our upcoming home renovations a lot lately. And as sometimes happens, his opinion about what needs to be done can differ from mine.

I am a visual person when it comes to an abstract renovation. I need to see it to understand. Sometimes this involves my husband drawing a sketch to show me what he is talking about.

During this process, I can become frustrated. Which is a terrible response to have! My lack of understanding is not his fault, and I should have a loving response to him and his explanation.

The way I respond to my family tells them a lot about how I feel about them. I am not being the wife I should be when I respond in frustration. This sends a message to my husband that I don’t care about him as much as I should, or that I think he is foolish. Both of these assumptions couldn’t be further from the truth! I can nip these assumptions in the bud by using self-control during his explanation, and not showing my exasperation. Better yet, I can ask the Lord to change my attitude. Our Father is so good, and will help us when we need it, ladies!

It is important that we have a loving response when it comes to our children, also. They need to see our love for them shine through when we talk and look at them.

A loving response is a great way to show our families just how much we care about them.

Homestead Happenings

Some exciting things have happened on our small homestead this week! Of course, we are mainly still in the planning stages for spring. So lots of what we are doing involves planning. I don’t know about you, but I think planning is tons of fun!

I have been looking for ideas for a potting shed. While our home has a basement, there isn’t a good place for us to store things near my raised bed garden. Since we also plan to finish our basement into living space soon, I will need someplace to store my pots, bags of dirt, and random garden supplies.

While my husband could build a shed, I have been looking at pre-built options, simply for time’s sake. The list of things for my husband to do around here is a mile long, and I think it might be wiser to go ahead and purchase something pre-made.

We look at sheds when we go into the surrounding towns, and I haven’t found something that suits my fancy just yet. I would like it to be white or stained wood, and to be fairly small. I also would like for it to have windows, and a couple of doors to let the breeze in. To be honest, we might decide to special order a shed to my specifications.

I have been looking on Craigslist, too. It would be such a blessing to find something inexpensive to meet our needs.

We also have been doing the random winter things around our homestead, like giving our animals additional bedding, and covering my fall/winter veggies at night. 

It is a blessing to have our small piece of land to tend to!

Resources for Homemakers

How to Treat Anxiety Naturally

How to Speed Clean Your Kitchen

Free Valentine’s Day Printables

Weekly Grocery Haul + Some of My Favorite Healthy Snacks for Busy Moms

While grocery shopping isn’t my favorite task of all time, I really enjoy stocking our pantry! There is just a nice feeling that comes with taking care of our families, isn’t there? I know for homemakers at least, this is definitely true!

Not too long ago, I shared one of our weekly grocery hauls on my YouTube. I’m not super active on YouTube, but I do enjoy posting a video there from time to time.

It was kind of funny. When I was editing the video, I got a sinking feeling in my stomach. I had purchased way too many “convenience” foods for my kiddos in my opinion.

I have wanted to switch over to making as much food as I can from scratch, but I haven’t found the time when it comes to snacky food. I did hesitate before purchasing the vanilla wafers with the glaring “artificial flavors” label on the front, but I did it anyway. My daughter Mabrey might be the pickiest child ever, and I wanted to make sure that she has what she likes on hand.

Related: Large Family Grocery Hauls | November 2021

Well, I’m happy to say that I’ve found a vanilla wafer recipe that I would like to try, and I’ve successfully made cheese crackers for my crew! This isn’t to say that I will never buy snack food again, but I’m getting closer to learning how to make everything we eat from scratch.

I think I might need to implement a “kitchen day” pretty soon. It does take quite a bit of time to scratch cook. I do think it is worth it, though!

If you would like to check out my grocery haul video, click the link below.

Now, after all of the talk about why I don’t want to purchase snack foods…here is the “healthy” snack food that I purchase for myself. Oh, the irony!

Siete Grain Free Tortilla Chips: Friends, these chips are a little pricey, but they are so good! Also, I can easily read all of the ingredients on the label. A win-win!

Kind Thins: I like these bars so much, and overall, the ingredients are good.

Nasoya Thai Basil Vegetable Dumplings: Ah, these dumplings are wonderful in my opinion! I eat these a few times a week for lunch.

I hope you enjoy these easy “mom snacks” if you decide to try them. While I know convenience food isn’t the best thing ever, it is nice to have something simple and healthy to grab in a pinch from your pantry or refrigerator.

Changing my eating habits helped me to lose over 40 pounds. Having foods like these on hand definitely helped me.

Related: Weight Loss Update | January 2022

This weekly grocery trip came to $216, I believe. Not too bad for a family of ten.

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