Ideas that Maximize Sleep Space in Your Home

When we moved into our new home a few weeks ago, I was skeptical as to how our sleeping arrangements were going to work out. You see, we are a family of ten, and squeezing into a home with two small secondary bedrooms wasn’t exactly ideal in my opinion.

We had been doing just fine in a three bedroom home before, but these bedrooms were LARGE.

But now our rooms are SMALL. Hmm…what to do? After researching options, we’ve come up with a configuration that will definitely work for us until we can expand our living space in the future. I’d love to share a few ideas that I’ve discovered that might help families utilize the space they have well.

  • Utilize bunk beds and trundle beds when possible. At the moment we are only using one set of bunk beds. I believe that bunk and trundle beds are excellent space savers however, and we might add more in the future.
  • Turn a common space into a sleeping area. At the moment, our boys are sleeping in our “dining room,” and we plan on adding barn doors to it soon. We were able to do this since we have an eat-in kitchen as well as a bar-style countertop. We haven’t lost any eating space, but it is contained in a much smaller area.
  • Take notes from minimalist/tiny home blogs and websites. I have turned to tiny home sites for inspiration on many occasions! At the very least, I walk away with a better perspective and thankfulness for what we have.
  • Use some rooms strictly for sleeping. If you store clothing and toys elsewhere, than the room will seem much more spacious and uncluttered.
  • Sometimes mom and dad need to share their space, too. At the moment we are room sharing with our three and one-year-olds. I know this time is fleeting, which helps me to keep a happy and content perspective. Children grow up so fast, and I will miss this time dearly one day.
  • Group children with similar bedtimes together. I believe this tip helps evening routines run smoothly. At the same time…
  • Grouping older and younger children together works well, too. This method teaches older children responsibility, and gives younger children an older sibling to look up to. We have chosen this method for the time being.

I’ve gleaned these ideas from many years of trial and error. If we can cultivate an attitude of thankfulness in our homes, this goes a long way too. I’m sorry to say that I haven’t always had a fabulous attitude while downsizing. I’m so glad each day is a chance to try again, when it comes to my perspective!

Reasons to Downsize into a Smaller Home

We have recently downsized. And let me tell ya, it has been really hard for me to do.

I had no idea just how attached I was to stuff. And space. Without even realizing it, I had attached myself to items that don’t even matter. Downsizing is sanctifying. It really is. Every time I ignore my flesh and continue to purge, a small victory is won.

There are many, many benefits to downsizing homes. I thought I would share a small list of ways taking the plunge and moving into a smaller home is good for our family life.

  1. Living in close quarters hones our patience.
  2. Our children will be better equipped to share, get along with, and even live with others once they enter adulthood.
  3. It is easier to monitor what type of material enters our homes when they are smaller.
  4. There are naturally more conversations when living in tight quarters, and relationships blossom.
  5. Much less time is spent cleaning, and more time is spent with our families.
  6. Finances are freed up, and more of our resources can go towards meaningful goals. Utility bills are cheaper as well,
  7. Financial and debt freedom is more easily attainable.
  8. Bad attitudes are seen more plainly, and we can address heart issues faster.
  9. Our children will learn that stuff isn’t as important as they once thought it was.
  10. Hopefully, one day we will see a shift from the materialistic culture we live in now.

I try my best to be quick to remind myself of the hidden “downsize blessings” that naturally occur whenever I miss our old home.

What about you? Please feel free to share your favorite thing about downsizing with us!

Thank you so much for stopping by! I would love to connect with you on Facebook. I’d also like to invite you to my Mary & Martha Facebook Page, and to my Mary & Martha website. It is a such a blessing to serve you!

Moving to the Lowcountry

Boy, have we had a busy summer. Most of it has passed in a blur.

Things have definitely changed. Today I sit in a home filled with boxes. Looking out my window, I see a sand driveway that meanders through the trees. A gigantic dragonfly drifts past my view on its way to a live oak tree.

We have moved to the low country!

I can still hardly believe it. Thankfully, I prepared my heart for this nearly one year ago.

My husband found a job that he wanted to apply for, and so I began to research the area thoroughly. The job was taken off of the board before he applied, but I had already really looked into this place. So when a different position at the same employer popped up nearly six months later, I quickly gave my blessing.

And so here we are. It hasn’t been easy to leave everything we once knew. Everything familiar. But the way each and every event surrounding this move seemed to just fall into place, we believe it is what we are supposed to do.

In our quest to lessen our debt load, we have downsized. We are now living in 1800 square feet, which is definitely doable, but my family of ten is having to make some adjustments. Purging has been hard on my mama heart, and I still have a long way to go. I simply brought too much, even after purging a lot before moving.

Our home in Georgia is on the market, and we are currently in contract negotiations with a couple. We  really hope that it sells sooner rather than later.

I seem to have both good days and bad days right now. We have so much hope for the future, and yet I miss all that was left behind.

Another struggle I have faced is my itch to explore the area. As a homeschooling mama, I really want to take my children to all of the cool new places around here. At the same time, I realize that I need to concentrate more on making this house a home for my family.

Through it all, I’ve tried to be thankful. About a week and a half ago, we thought we would need to evacuate due to Hurricane Irma. As the crow flies, we are about fifty to sixty miles inland, but I guess with all of the low lying land and waterways that wasn’t quite enough. My husband was going to stay behind due to his job. This all happened within two weeks of our move, and I was a basket case! It really put things into perspective for me though. I realized that I didn’t care where we lived, I just wanted to be together.

Anyhow, we are getting settled little by little. I am looking forward to when this place truly feels like home.