Our Children are Now 30% Less Aerobically Fit Than We Were at Their Age | This is Not Due to Climate Change

While growing up, I was fairly athletic. I took dance classes, and was a cheerleader. In high school, I was also on the tennis team and took Cardio Kickboxing classes regularly at my local martial arts center. I knew it was important to take good care of my body.

When I was in elementary school, I often rode my bicycle around my neighborhood. I ran in my friend’s backyard, and regularly jumped on a trampoline. Exercise was a normal part of my life, and is now something I encourage my children to do.

But times have certainly changed. Now 73% of adults in the United States are obese or overweight. Our children are not far behind. The grocery stores are full of food that makes us sick, and we are constantly sitting while being entertained by our phones. It seems pretty obvious what the problem is.

I was surprised to find out that CBS News recently talked about a study which indicated that climate change was behind our children being less aerobically fit than we were at their age. It seems like there is some sort of strange agenda going on here.

I do believe that climate change is real, but I do not believe it is behind our childhood aerobic activity and obesity rates. As parents, we need to take this threat on our children’s health seriously. While blaming climate change and twidling our thumbs might be the easy thing to do, it is far from right.

We can encourage our children to have good habits. Simple things can truly make a difference. Last year, I purchased a blank chore chart for each child along with a package of stickers. Every time they complete thirty minutes of activity, they can put a sticker on their chart. If they decide to jog/run for ten minutes, this gets a sticker, too.

Once their chart is full of stickers, I have a ribbon to give them. This is such a small thing, but it really encourages them to be active.

We also need to model good activity levels for our children. This is one of my motivations to work out in some capacity every single day.

If we act like exercising isn’t important, then why would our children think it is a good idea? Our children need to exercise more now than ever. We live in such a toxic environment, and our food is often not the best for us unless we deliberately try to change that within our homes. Exercise helps to detoxify our body, and aerobic health helps us to battle sickness so much better.

When the weather is not good, we can have a fun exercise game time in our living room. Or, we can put on an exercise video and see if our children want to follow along. We’ve done this in our home before, and usually we end up laughing all the way through.

The truth of the matter is, we are largely sedentary in our society now. We usually have to make a conscious effort to exercise. The Lord gave us an amazing body with the capacity to do so much. If we blame something like climate change, what motivation do parents have to change anything? We can start off small by putting our phones down and going for a walk. Each and every small step counts!

Creating a Haven in Our Home This August

Happy Sunday, friends. Oh, what a wonderful week it has been.

The month is almost over. I can hardly believe it. Before long, I will be putting on long sleeves, and watching my children play in the leaves. It is such a sweet time. I’m grateful for this summer, but now I’m ready for fall.

This month is a month of transition as summer starts to come to a close. The inside of my home has been in transition, too. We are finally starting to make a few major cosmetic changes since our roof and gutters have been replaced.

My husband has added storage spaces for me, and is working on putting tongue and groove on our walls. Friends, this has been a balm to my soul!

We have been without a linen closet for two years now. We’ve had no real place to put a vacuum cleaner or a step ladder. Finally, these types of items will have a home! As a homemaker, I’ve learned that I feel like my home is more peaceful if everything has a place. So this is a huge blessing for me.

This closet will also have a place to store our coats. This will be so nice! We had to close in a wall to make this happen, but I think it was worth it.

I’m most excited about the wood my husband has put on the living and dining room walls. To me, being surrounded by a natural material is so peaceful. My husband has worked so hard, and it’s beautiful. In the future, we plan to finish the floors with a natural stone, Lord willing. Being surrounded by nature while indoors is calming to me.

I hope it is calming to my family, too. I want our home to be a haven for them to enjoy. I also am not a fan of cookie cutter houses. When we moved in, this house definitely fell into that category. August has seen so many wonderful changes here.

We actually just ran out of our last order of tongue and groove, and my husband plans to purchase more next week. While August was the month of living and dining room walls, hopefully September will be the month of living and dining room ceilings. And then October will be the month of our bedroom walls. We shall see, though. Sometimes my plans are too big!

I’m hoping that our winter will be super cozy since we have made these changes. I really think it will be!

We are purchasing our lumber through a local saw mill. I’m so happy to be supporting a business close by.

We put aside some of the funds we received when we sold our previous home to renovate this one. I’m still trying to be frugal in other areas of life so we don’t dip into too much of our savings at one time. It was difficult to pay so much for our roof and gutters earlier in the summer. Since working through the Dave Ramsey plan over the past six years, I do not like making big purchases. It pains me!

Anyhow, thank you so much for stopping by my blog for this little home update.

Simple Living Newsletter #35

It’s Time to Think About Fall Flowers

Oh, how I love flowers! My raised bed garden is actually filled with too many marigolds at the moment. They are kind of growing wild, and I think I will try to contain them better, soon. While I love them, they are crowding out some of the vegetable seedlings I’ve recently planted. At least they are beautiful shades of yellow and orange, which remind me of fall!

Now is a great time to start thinking about fall flowers since the weather is about to cool. There are many things that grow well in the fall, and we can start to plant them soon (if we haven’t already!)

This year, I started a fall crop of sunflowers a few weeks ago. I’m hoping they will put on a show in October, before the first frost comes. Sunflowers are so lovely, and are the perfect fall flower in my opinion.

Last year, I planted nine mums directly in front of my garden fence. Seven of them came back! I planted them in a fun pattern, and I hope that I can find them once again in my garden center to replant the two that didn’t make it. Mums are very inexpensive if you buy them small, and they are definitely worth the investment if you live in a climate where they will return each year.

I also love pansies and violas. They often have a place in both my fall and spring gardens. They come in such a wide variety of colors, and look so cheerful. My favorite variety is a shade of yellow and purple. I love to tuck these flowers around some of my shrubs when I can.

Are you planning to plant flowers this fall? I hope you find just what you are looking for!

Homestead Happenings

Hello friends, and welcome to our home! It has been a fun week in our garden. The weather has turned cooler, and it has rained a lot. I haven’t had to water near as much, which has made gardening much more enjoyable for me.

I’m finally starting to harvest some pole beans. Yesterday I took out a big bowl, and started to gather all that were ready to harvest. It ended up being more than I thought it would be. A nice surprise! After rinsing them off, I put them in the refrigerator. Hopefully I will process them tomorrow. I plan to harvest any more beans that are ready, and then see if I have enough to justify pressure canning.

We also just picked out seven new egg layers at our local Tractor Supply! We lost three hens within the past couple of months, and aren’t getting as many eggs as normal. I’ve found that every two years or so it is time for us to purchase 6-8 more hens. This time around we picked out four Barred Rock and three Americana pullets. We own Barred Rocks already, and they are excellent egg layers. The Americana breed are more moderate layers, but their eggs are a beautiful light blue! They also have cheek tufts which makes them look almost chipmunk-like. So fun! I can’t wait to see what they look like as they grow. We named them Petunia, Pearl, Pudding, Piper, Popcorn, Pepper, and Annabelle. Quite an interesting collection of names!

A few of my fall vegetables are starting to stick their heads above the soil. I hope that I get a good harvest of collard greens this year. Last year I started them in September, which was just too late for our area.

Thank you so much for reading this little update from our home!

Resources for Homemakers

27 Fall Blooming Flowers

Fall Flowers for Pots