No. 10: Notes from Home | April Plants and Flowers

This morning, thunder woke me up at around five o’clock. I bolted out of bed. My seedlings! After throwing on a sweater, I dashed to the front door and peered outside. Thankfully, they had not been blown away!

While I didn’t grow many vegetables from seed this year, I did start a few peppers and tomatoes. They didn’t mind the storm at all.

These vegetables, among a few other things, are just about ready to be planted. Yesterday my daughters and I completed school work on the front porch, and I couldn’t help but feel so thankful for the plant life that surrounded us.

Lots of perennials are popping up, like this big pot of oregano. Friends, this plant is hardy! It is now growing in four areas around our home, and it likes to spread like crazy.

This plant is just off of our property by a foot, but I still get to enjoy it. I was so pleased to find it! It is a species of native viburnum, commonly known as Rusty blackhaw. I’ve scoured our woods for more, but haven’t spotted any. They need to receive sunlight to bloom, so perhaps they are hiding from me.

My new Apricot Drift Rose is starting to bloom, and it is so delicate and pretty. I am a sucker for roses. I found it at our local Home Depot.

If you walk into our woods, you will find Wild geraniums. I think they are such a lovely wild flower. I simply love lavender blooms.

Before we know it April will then into May, and completely different flowers will be blooming. I really enjoy how the landscape changes through the year.

I hope you have flowers to enjoy around your home, too!

Saturday Plans and Earth Day

Good morning, friends. Ah, the weekend is here. Are you excited?

It’s going to be a beautiful day. I just know it.

Monday is Earth Day, and I talked my husband into taking me to a little town we used to live in this afternoon. We brought home a couple of our babies there, and it is very special to me.

What does that have to do with Earth Day, you may ask?

Well, I plan to purchase plants there! Hopefully we can get them into the ground on Monday. It sure sounds meaningful and special to me.

In honor of Earth Day, I sent in an extra donation to the Audubon Society, too. I believe they are doubling donations at the moment if you are interested.

Last night, I took a walk around my yard. It was so peaceful. I planted calendula and marigolds, and snapped photos of plants I would like to identify. Then I sat on my porch as the sky grew dark and insects began to sing. Ah, perfect.

This year has been full of changes for me, and I’ve found such solace in my garden. I hope I don’t bore you with the details. It’s just such a a special place to me right now, and I can’t help but talk about it.

After plant shopping this afternoon, we hope to visit one of our favorite restaurants in the area, for old times sake.

I am one of the most sentimental people I know, and I am just so excited.

I thought I’d leave with you a few pieces of my garden and a book recommendation before I go. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

This wild blackberry took root right next to my fence, so I trained it to it. It’s starting to bloom!

This is a St. John’s Wort plant. I threw seeds in this area a couple of years ago. Thyme is growing around it.

I am loving this book right now. One day, a no-mow yard is my goal.

No. 7: Notes from Home | Our Side Yard Makeover

We have lived in our home for nearly four years now, and slowly we’ve been fixing up the place. Thankfully, the changes are really starting to add up.

To be honest, living here has been a “test of patience” for me. I would love for everything to be done at once, but that simply doesn’t work when you are on a budget. So we’ve made changes little by little, and I am so thankful for all of the work my husband has put in.

One of the items farther down on our list has been landscaping directly around our home. I love gardens, and my hope has been to replace a lot of our grass (ahem…weeds) with hand-picked plants. While I love native gardening, most likely not everything will be native in this area. I’ve consoled myself with the fact that the grasses and weeds in the area were not native, either. I probably will add native flowers to the mix once I make a plan.

Over the past couple of weeks, we put down landscape fabric. Then came the rocks, pea gravel, and pine straw. There is a local landscape supply company nearby which sells its bulk material at a great price! We used one ton of pea gravel, which cost $70.00. The rock edging cost $187.00.

We added three White Wedding Hydrangeas, two Jubilation Gardenias, and an Apricot Drift Rose. I’m going to try my best to keep them watered well. The new walkway next to our water access is going to be so convenient.

Before I go, I wanted to share a photo of the Black Eyed Susan I recently separated into 24 new plants. The mother plants are still in the respective areas, which is great.

I’m so happy this project is finished. Next year, we plan to work on the area directly behind the house. Oh, it is a big eyesore!

If you are working on any outdoor projects, I’d love to hear about them!