Weekly Round Up | July 29, 2023

Hello friends, and welcome.

Ah, I’m so glad it is Saturday. This is our “Sabbath,” and we tend to take it easy which is so nice!

I would love to share the posts that I’ve written here over the past week with you all, along with a little bit of encouragement from other websites.

This week’s posts include:

Making An Impact

Celebrating My Son’s Birthday

A Week of Crafting!

The Calm Before the Storm

New August No-Spend Challenge Printable

Some More Encouragement For You:

Homemaking Quotes

How to Create a Calm Home

Today should be a good day. I just ate some of my daughter’s pizza, which was so yummy! I plan to spend some time contemplating how to become a better wife and mother. This will definitely be time well spent.

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Blessings, Nicole

If you’d like to take a peek at my Etsy shop, please click here.

New August No Spend Challenge Printable!

Hello friends, and welcome!

I was just talking about how I need to be more careful with our spending over the next month or two.

So I decided to create an August No-Spend Challenge printable!

No spend challenges are great. It’s amazing how a piece of paper can keep me on track.

The premise is simple. Just color in a flower for each day you meet your no spend goal.

This could mean something different for everybody. For one, it might mean no spending at all! For another, spending on necessities is allowable.

This printable is now available in my Etsy shop for $0.98. Click here to take a look.

If you decide to purchase it, I hope you enjoy it! Wish me luck on my quest to save some money!

Many blessings, Nicole

The Calm Before the Storm

It is so very humid, and I’m sitting outside on my front porch. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I’m reconsidering, ha! A mourning dove is keeping my company though, and I will try to make it a little longer.

Friends, I hope you have had an amazing week! I have been doing my best to relax over the past couple of days. I feel like this is “the calm before the storm” since we plan to restart our home school in the beginning of August. Not that home school is a storm. Not in the least! But life does become more busy when we pick up the books again.

I still have some planning to do, which I hope to take care of next week. At this point, I will probably only plan a few weeks at a time. It likely is better this way anyhow. That way I won’t have to spend time crossing out and erasing as plans change…they likely will.

I spent more time reading to my children today, and I probably will next week, too. This will help us to ease into it. I still need to purchase our math and finance curriculum. We are going with Teaching Textbooks and Dave Ramsey’s program.

Speaking of Dave Ramsey, I’ve recently decided to start reigning in our spending a bit. Starting in late August is our “birthday season.” I call it that because we have five birthdays over the course of five weeks. That amounts to a lot of presents! I usually try to keep the decorations and food costs minimal though, and we usually have a small gathering with a grandparent or two.

We also have a beach trip planned for September, and our final payment for the vacation rental is due in August. I think it will be smart to spend as little money as we can while planning for these things.

I will be interested to see how my senior likes her Finance curriculum. I hope she enjoys it. I sure wish I would have been taught these concepts when I was younger. But to be honest, it might not have mattered because I was pretty hard headed! In my younger years I always had to learn things the hard way. Thankfully now I am wiser and I listen to good advice the first time around.

Well, now I hear thunder in the distance. If it rains, it will be a good thing. I’m sure my garden will be thankful! Pop up storms are common for us in Georgia because of the high humidity and heat.

I hope you and your children have an amazing school year ahead of you! Thank you so much for stopping by today.

Blessings, Nicole

If you would like to take a peek at my Etsy shop, please click here.