An Intentional Life | April 2024

rural garden wicket gate surrounded by blooming flowers

The month is nearly over, and it’s time for me to look over the intentions I set for the month and see how I did. I also plan to set some intentions for May. It is almost here! An intentional life is a beautiful life.

Overall, I think April went really well. Some of my intentions were:

  • Finishing up our homeschool curriculum. We are almost there, with the exception of some light 1st grade language arts and preschool. I knew these few things would carry on longer, so I’m still counting my goal as met.
  • Getting our raised bed garden ready for planting. I still need to add compost to a few beds, but I think I’m going to make it by May. I also need to make a plan for what exactly I’m planting…I really want to add more perennials and herbs to this area.
  • Consistent exercise. My goal is to exercise for at least thirty minutes each day, and I’ve met that. I have been exercising consistently for almost three years, and it has become a habit. It feels bad if I don’t exercise at this point, which is a great problem to have!
  • Daily reading. Unfortunately, I haven’t met this goal, but that’s okay. I’ve learned it’s good to be gentle with yourself! I have read consistently for nearly a week or so, so I call that a win.
  • Completion of Level 1 Aromatherapy Certification. My case studies have been submitted to be reviewed, and if they look good, this program will be complete. This is likely why I haven’t done much reading this month, which is understandable. I devoted a lot of my free time to this endeavor. I have loved it.
  • Write more consistently on this blog. While I haven’t been perfect at this, I definitely have been more consistent. Sometimes I wonder if writing here is a good thing. Well, I think it is, but comments can sometimes affect me negatively. Why do people think they can be mean when they are online? I’ve decided to open up more this month, and not worry about any naysayers. I also wonder if what I have to say is important…but I’ve decided that I’m just going to write what’s on my heart, and not worry about the rest.

It’s been a good month.

Looking forward to May, I hope to get my in ground garden planted. It needs a lot of prep work! Currently, it is tarped with compost on half of it.

I also hope to keep writing here to you, and work on an Anatomy and Physiology Certification with the School of Aromatic Studies. I’m in the middle of it now, but haven’t worked on it in a couple of days. I’m in the thick of watching a list of videos about muscles, and haven’t been very motivated, ha! My plan is to at least watch two more videos today, though. Hold me to it!

Hopefully I will receive orders in my Etsy shop to complete. I love doing that.

My daughter will be graduating from high school! Oh, that’s a big one! I will need to plan a little celebration for her.

With the help of my husband, I hope to get a small woodland garden area planted. That is what I asked for for Mother’s Day. I already have a rhododendron and azaleas ready to be planted.

And we mustn’t forget a camping trip. I can’t wait to see how it goes!

The end of May will mark four years since we bought our home and property. Lots of hopes and dreams have come true during this time.

Thanks for stopping by today, friends. I hope your month has been wonderful!

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